In spring 1955, at the request of Mrs. Sadie Gee of Dallas, Mrs. Dixie Ackerman assembled a group of women in the Fort Worth home of Mrs. Lonnie Odom. Among those present were Jeffrey Adams, Armenta Hill, Yvette Melton, Ollie May Belfrey, Bertha Reynolds, Joyce Hunter, Beverly Sims, and Bernice Mebane. The group subscribed to the goals of Jack and Jill of America, Inc., and agreed to work diligently to meet the requirements of membership. The goals of the local chapter were quickly accomplished and in October 1955, sixteen mothers were installed as the Fort Worth Chapter of Jack and Jill, Incorporated, at the home of Mrs. Bernice Mebane.
The installing officer was Mrs. Nell Roulhac, National President of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. Other chapter members were Jeffrey Adams, Ollie Belfrey, Edna Busby, Mary Frances Clemmons, Margie Denton, Audrey Douglas, Armenta Hill, Essie Ransom, Bertha Reynolds, Edna Sessions, and Beverly Sims.
For nearly seventy (70) years, the Fort Worth Chapter thrived and grown. The Fort Worth Chapter has hosted many regional events, including a biennial regional Mothers’ Conference and two annual Area Workdays. In addition, the chapter partnered with the North Texas chapter and hosted the 50th Regional Teen Conference, a four-day leadership conference was attended by over 600 persons from 25 chapters, in 2004 at the DFW Hyatt Regency Hotel. In 2022, the Fort Worth Chapter hosted the South-Central Region’s Dallas COE Children’s Cluster in Glen Rose, TX. In 2025, we will have the pleasure of serving as co-host of the Sensational South Central Region’s Mothers Conference 2024 and planning is well underway.


The Fort Worth Associate Jewels group is comprised of Mothers who have successfully tenured out of our Chapter. Our Associates are passionate about staying connected to each other and supporting the current Mother members through time, talent and resources. This small and mighty group of mothers who have graduated out continue to be actively involved in our Chapter. They support our active Mother Members in the areas of programming, community service, fundraising and beyond.
Our Associate Group was installed in 2020, with the following charter members: Dr. Arlene Barnett, Evette Brazzile, Former SCR Regional Director Barbara Cager, Annie Dobbins, Mattie McClure, Shirley Pace and Denise Whitfield. We are proud and grateful for their dedication to ensure that all children have access to resources as they grow.